


  • <中关村前沿技术企业任务书
  • 超表面单片三色光栅波导AR光学模组研制>
攻关Depthwise卷积算子在Movidius VPU上的优化实现,对比Intel现有的基准实现,2020年优化后的实现运行速度提升5倍,攻关可用于前端设备去重的轻量人脸识别技术。基于薄膜阵列光波导的LEION2/3分体式双目智能眼镜,主要研究在于光学部分的提升。AR智能眼镜是一项具有重大市场潜力的新兴技术,其目标是将真实世界和虚拟世界无缝地结合在一起,最终能够去除显示屏、鼠标和键盘,并可把用户界面变得自然且几乎无法察觉。通过使物理世界更接近数字世界,增强现实必定使二者都具备更高的效率。




  • <浙江大学光电学院
  • 中科院自动化研究所
  • 清华大学经管学院>



已申请发明专利近79,实用新型专利41项,外观设计专利 43项,国际专利2项,软著172项 主要涵盖:光波导光学结构和设计、加工,波导膜系设计,加工和检测方法,决定波导核心指标性能工艺方法,布局未来波导光学技术,虹膜识别,眼动控制交互,AR/VR双模式显示,光场显示。



以光学显示和AI算法技术体系为根基,布局多领域、多方向前沿研究,目前光学技术在 Optics Letters、Optics Communications 等国际光学期刊上就光波导、OPU光学卷积网络计算单元等科研成果发表文章。AI学术论文国际会刊收录20余篇。

  • <国际光学期刊布局
  • AI 学术论文国际会刊连年收录>
1. 2021. "Metalens Eyepiece for 3D Holographic Near-Eye Display" Nanomaterials 11, no. 8: 1920.
2. Layered holographic three-dimensional projection using region-partitioned processing,Optics Communications,Volume 481,2021,126553,
3. "Light-field-depth-estimation network based on epipolar geometry and image segmentation," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 37, 1236-1243 (2020)
4. Tunable beam splitter using bilayer geometric metasurfaces in the visible spectrum. Optics Express. 2020 Sep;28(19):28672-85.
5. Holographic three-dimensional display based on optimizing arrangement of holograms,Optics Communications,Volume 461,2020:125260
6. Designing compact and ultra-efficient illumination lenses with prescribed irradiance properties for extended light sources. Optics Communications. 2020 Jun;465.
7. Precise light control in highly tilted geometry by freeform illumination optics. Optics Letters. 2019 Jun;44(11):2887-90.
8. Development of energy correction based multishot snapshot spectral imaging system. Optics Communications. 2019 Feb;432:116-22.

9." Tunable beam splitter using bilayer geometric metasurfaces in the visible spectrum," Optics Express 28(19), 28672-28685 (2020).

10.Continuous-zoom bifocal metalens by mutual motion of cascaded bilayer metasurfaces in the visible." Optics Express 29.17 (2021): 26569-26585.

11. Metalens Eyepiece for 3D Holographic Near-Eye Display,Nanomaterials 2021, 11(8), 1920(IF 5.1)

12.Helicity-multiplexed bifocal geometric metalenses at visible wavelength. Optical Design and Testing X. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2020, 11548: 115480A.

13.Transformers in computational visual media: A survey. Computational Visual Media 8(1): 32-62 (2021)

14.Multimodal Global Relation Knowledge Distillation for Egocentric Action Anticipation. ACM Multimedia 2021: 245-254.(CCF-A)

15.Distribution Aligned Multimodal and Multi-Domain Image Stylization. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications 17(3): 96:1-96:17 (2021)

16.Unveiling the Potential of Structure-preserving for Weakly Supervised Object Localization. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021: 11642-11651(CCF-A)

17.Text Style Transfer with Decorative Elements. The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Art Creation (AIART) 2021

18.Arbitrary Video Style Transfer via Multi-Channel Correlation. The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021: 35(2), 1210-1217CCF-A

19.Visual Tracking with the Siamese Center-Prediction Network. Computational Visual Media 7(2): 253-265 (2021)

20.Destylization of Text with Decorative Elements. ACM Multimedia Asia 2020: 14:1-14:7

21.Arbitrary Style Transfer via Multi-Adaptation Network. ACM Multimedia 2020: 2719-2727CCF-A

AI 学术论文国际会刊连年收录
1. Dynamic Refinement Network for Oriented and Densely Packed Object Detection, CVPR 2020 Oral
2. Arbitrary Style Transfer via Multi-Adaptation Network, ACM Multimedia 2020, ACM MM 2020
3. Self-supervised Feature Augmentation for Large Image Object Detection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 29, 2020
4. LGM-Net: Learning to Generate Matching Networks for Few Shot Learning, ICML 2019
5. Adaptive Feature Fusion via Graph Neural Network for Person Re-identification, ACM MM 2019
6. tyle-Oriented Representative Paintings Selection, Siggraph Asia 2017
7. Distribution Aligned Multimodal and Multi-Domain Image Stylization. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications 17(3): 96:1-96:17 (2021)
8. Unveiling the Potential of Structure-preserving for Weakly Supervised Object Localization. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021: 11642-11651
9. Text Style Transfer with Decorative Elements. The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Art Creation (AIART) 2021
10. Arbitrary Video Style Transfer via Multi-Channel Correlation. The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2021: 35(2), 1210-1217
11. Visual Tracking with the Siamese Center-Prediction Network. Computational Visual Media 7(2): 253-265 (2021)
12. Destylization of Text with Decorative Elements. ACM Multimedia Asia 2020: 14:1-14:7
13. Arbitrary Style Transfer via Multi-Adaptation Network. ACM Multimedia 2020: 2719-2727
14. Oilver Deussen, Changsheng Xu: Self-Supervised Feature Augmentation for Large Image Object Detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 29: 6745-6758 (2020)
15. Dynamic Refinement Network for Oriented and Densely Packed Object Detection. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020: 11204-11213 (Oral)
16. Multi-Attribute Guided Painting Generation. The 2nd IEEE Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Art Creation (AIART) 2020: 400-403
17. Adaptive Feature Fusion via Graph Neural Network for Person Re-identification. ACM Multimedia 2019: 2115-2123
18. Style-oriented representative paintings selection. SIGGRAPH ASIA (Posters) 2017: 12:1-12:2